Saturday, December 22, 2007

Stupid is as Stupid does

The other day I was driving into work, and the top story of the day was the family that was searching for the Christmas tree that got lost in the woods. Are you an idiot, I kept saying as I drove. There are so many places that one can get a Christmas tree, especially in California (where else).

Right before I was going to start my day I was sitting in my company cafeteria, drinking my coffee, and watching the CNN. The anchor said that they will be interviewing the father today on one of their shows. I am like, this guy is an idiot. Why are they making such a big deal.

I am familiar with people getting lost in the woods. Mr. Ganz and Mr Omalley were hiking a number of years ago and Mr. Ganz got lost in the woods. It was a major project, even though he was only lost overnight. He managed to walk 20 miles out of his way when he was found.

I realize nobody plans to get lost in the woods, but this guy needs to shut up, say I am glad I am okay, my children are okay and thats that. Now Go Home

1 comment:

Elgarf said...

Damn right. Several years ago my land-lady was hiking in Oregon. She went missing for 3 or 4 days. I found out when I went next door to feed her cats and there was a local television crew waiting to question anyone they could about the disappearance of the hiker. I told them, "she asked me to look in on the cats, that's all I know".