Wednesday, December 19, 2007


I heard on the news today that Britney Spears sister Jamie is pregnant. Apparently she has an 18 year old boyfriend who has no idea who BENNY MARDONIS is. She's just 16 year old Leave her alone, they say. Now if the Boyfriend is 18, and he is sticking his mule into a 16 year olds hole, and he doesn't use a raincoat, isn't this called RAPE. Britney is a stupid asshole, and so is her sister. Let's just hope that nobody watches her stupid show on NICKOLODIAN, and watch Hanna Montana. At least her family has some moral values.


The Chief said...

I barely know who Brittany Spears is so I know even less about her family but if the sister does have a show on Nicolodeon, then I would hope the good folks at Viacom would have the sense to part ways with her simply due to the fact that their demographics are 5-16 year old kids!!!

MR LAYTOM or MR GANZ said...

Very well spoken Chief. As I said in my post, one should support those with good morals, like Hannah Montana, not the OOPS I DID IT AGAIN FAMILY.

Elgarf said...

I think that these Spearses don't know how reproduction works. When Britney got pregnant the first time everyone was shocked. What would that little slut do with a kid? Well, we saw, she lost it and then the sibling. So why reproduce a third time? And then the little Spears. I agree. What the hell is a Nickelodeon star doing with such grown up activities?