Saturday, November 17, 2007


My sincere apoligies to those who care. Due to numerous computer problems, and my employer blocking all "nonessential" sights, I was unable to post for a week. The other day, I wanted to post, but the network was blocked by WEBSENSE. It is about time that the company blocks the "nonessential" sights such as MYSPACE, and YOUTUBE, but not blogger. I was deeply disturbed. I will continue to post when I have the chance. MY true apoligizes CJ ELGARF.


Elgarf said...

I am very glad to hear that it was technical difficulties and nothing more serious. You're right. It is about time the boss starts filtering out the porn. We definitely do not need employees pleasuring themselves when they should be hard at work. Oh, shit, I mean productive not "hard", but not producing bodily fluids. These employees should be working, not any of the above.

Elgarf said...

By the way, welcome back!