Sunday, May 18, 2008


Well, I am sure that as you read this, you anxiously await news about what had happened at the latest Menza event. Well here goes. First of all, a nice time was had for all that was in attendance.

The drive up to Scranton was very interesting, as I was GPSing my way to Scranton. First of all, I have probably drivin to "THE HOME OF 30,000 POUNDS OF BANANAS" about a 100 times. So why you ask, does MR OMALLEY need global positioning to get to Scranton. Well the answer is this. With gas at close to $4.00 a gallon and tolls of $10.00 each way, he needs to find the easiest and less costly approach to travel. This is where the GPS comes in. I plotted it to take me on some backroads. Yes, we followed the Delaware River all the way up, and Mr. Laytom said that river is long. No shit Sherlock. Well it only cost us $1.00 in tolls to get up, and then on the way back we went the normal way because it was dark.

At the 12 Penny we had our normal share of NEPA Members and regulars. There were Lesbians and straight people and we all had a great time, except for Mr. Ganz, who I think had a good time, but is somewhat "fried"

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